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Principles of Using Cookie Files

Studio vono s.r.o., with its registered office at U topíren 860/2, 170 00, Prague 7, ID: 01893432, registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, file reference: C 212009/MSPH, uses cookies in connection with the operation of its website www.twohundredtons.com

In accordance with Section 89, Paragraph 3 of Act No. 127/2005 Coll., on Electronic Communications, as amended, we hereby inform you that our website uses so-called cookies for the purpose of improving the services provided to you.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that a visited website sends to your browser, which stores them on your computer. They are commonly used to distinguish individual users. However, based on this information, a user's identity cannot be determined. Cookies help remember your activities and preferences for a certain period, so you don't have to re-enter them when you return to the website or switch between pages.

What do we use cookies for?

Cookies that we collect for the purpose of measuring website traffic and creating statistics regarding visits and visitor behavior on our website are assessed in the form of aggregated data, which does not allow the identification of a website visitor as an individual.

Cookies necessary for the functionality of the website are always retained only for the time necessary for its operation. You can also adjust your browser settings to better suit your needs regarding the use of cookie files. Most browsers allow you to accept or delete all cookies or allow the use of only certain types of cookies. You can prevent cookies from being stored on your end device by selecting the "do not accept cookies" option in your browser settings.

Types of cookies we use

Functional cookies
These cookies are necessary for us to display our website to you and for it to function as intended (e.g., to display our content in the settings you prefer, such as in a certain language, or to make browsing easier for you).

Analytical cookies
These cookies help us analyze how our website functions in terms of visitor behavior, and based on this information, we may adjust and improve the website accordingly.

Marketing cookies
These cookie files are used for marketing purposes, such as personalized advertising.

How to disable the use of cookies

Cookies necessary for the functionality of the website are always retained only for the time necessary for its operation. You can also adjust your browser settings to better suit your needs regarding the use of cookie files. Most browsers allow you to accept or delete all cookies or allow the use of only certain types of cookies. You can prevent cookies from being stored on your end device by selecting the "do not accept cookies" option in your browser settings.

By accepting the cookies banner, you give your consent, which can also be revoked at any time free of charge.